What is more profitable – growing vegetables, and grain, engaging in agriculture, being a farmer, installing solar panels, investing in solar parks, or selling electricity on the stock exchange?

“You can combine and get a double harvest,” says the science of agrovoltaic. Scientists have discovered at what height and distance to install solar panels and which crops are profitable to grow in the shadow of the “solar park.”
Plants whose yield in the shade increases: hops, spinach, lettuce.
Plants whose yield is not affected by the shadow of solar panels: rapeseed, asparagus, cabbage.
Plants whose yield diminishes in the shade: e.g.corn, sunflowers, wheat.

Researchers have calculated that combining farming and solar generation is more efficient than engaging in these processes using two plots of land.
Separately, crop yields can bring 100% results, as can the generation of solar energy. “If you combine both processes in the same area, each may run at 80% efficiency, resulting in a combined 160% efficiency per unit area.
If you’re interested in building a solar park, we’re here to answer any questions!
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